About me

I have always loved doing needlework and therefore started creating handicrafts since I was a child. Growing up in a small village with a strong tradition for woodcarving and lace-making supported my passion.

During the last decade of my life, I used to work as a hotel manager and wedding planner in a castle located in the ore mountains. To escape the routines of passionate hospitality, I always loved to explore different countries around the world. But after seeing so many inspiring places, I realised that there is only one natural paradise, which tied some sort of magical bond: the Isle of Harris in the Outer Hebrides of Scotland. Travelling from north to south, from east to west, Harris thought me what’s important in life, and what’s indeed trivial.

Harris Tweed as a remarkable product from the Western Isles was fundamental in making TWEED STORIES alive. Feeling and perceiving the endless variety of this handwoven fabric, I rediscovered my passion for handicrafts and working on creative projects.

Designing beautiful little things with this storytelling wool brings me joy. And I hope, that you love it as much as I do.

[bsf-info-box icon=“Defaults-angle-double-down“ icon_size=“20″ icon_color=“#82a1bf“]Aufgewachsen in einer beschaulich, traditionellen Bergbauregion im Herzen des Erzgebirges arbeitete ich in den vergangenen zehn Jahren als passionierte Wedding Planerin in einem Schlosshotel und entdeckte neben der Liebe für die Gastronomie und Hotellerie auch die Leidenschaft fürs Reisen. Dabei zog mich ein Fleck auf der Erde ganz besonders in seinen Bann: Die Äußeren Hebriden mit seiner Insel Harris.

Mit TWEED STORIES möchte ich die Schönheit des schottischen Paradieses in Form von kleinen handgefertigten Dingen widerspiegeln und Harris Tweed, als einzigartiges Produkt der Insel Harris, eine kreative Plattform geben. [/bsf-info-box]